The secret of balanced mothers
The new book by the bestselling author: Strong Mothers, Strong Families
Being a mother is the best job in the world – but also the hardest. In challenging times, pressure of expectations, high responsibility and exhaustion are just some of the stress factors that can lead to health problems such as cardiovascular disease and depression. But what is the best way to help women? The renowned pediatrician and adolescent physician Dr. Karella Easwaran, who has been accompanying mothers for many years, is certain: the solution to the problem starts in the mind! As an expert in mind-body medicine, she has developed the technique of Beneficial Thinking. It starts with the processes in our brain. Because properly controlled, Beneficial Thinking can easily and sustainably change our perceptions and immediate actions. Dr. Easwaran’s conclusion: If we overcome power-sapping thought patterns, we can go about our daily lives confidently and relaxed.
The secret of healthy children
Calm parents have happy children
When parents come to my practice, they themselves are often sick – with worry. They want to do everything right so that their children do well and stay healthy. As a pediatrician, I help parents manage their anxiety and reduce their stress every day. I show them how to turn their thinking to the positive. As a result, everyday life with their children becomes less stressful and they make better decisions. These successes from my practice have encouraged me to put my Beneficial Thinking method into a book. In my book, I also address all the questions parents come to me with – from babies to schoolchildren.
Das Geheimnis gesunder Kinder
Gelassene Eltern haben glückliche Kinder
Wenn Eltern in meine Praxis kommen, sind sie selbst oft krank – vor Sorge. Sie wollen alles richtig machen, damit es ihren Kindern gut geht und sie gesund bleiben. Als Kinderärztin unterstütze ich täglich Eltern dabei, ihre Angst zu bewältigen und ihren Stress abzubauen. Ich zeige ihnen, wie sie ihr Denken zum Positiven wenden. Dadurch wird der Alltag mit ihren Kindern stressärmer udn sie treffen bessere Entscheidungen. Diese Erfolge aus meiner Praxis haben mich dazu animiert, meine Beneficial Thinking-Methode in einem Buch zusammenzufassen. Außerdem gehe ich in meinem Buch auf alle Fragen ein, mit denen Eltern zu mir kommen – vom Baby bis zum Schulkind.